Saturday, January 30th
When God finds a soul penetrated by an intense faith He pours out His grace in abundance. – Brother Lawrence
When God finds a soul penetrated by an intense faith He pours out His grace in abundance. – Brother Lawrence
What God seeks, He being Himself God by nature, is to make us gods through participation, just as fire converts all things into fire. – St. John of the Cross
Nothing shows forth the love which the Heart of God bears for us as does the Eucharist. It means union, consummation, He in us and we in Him. Is not that heaven on earth, heaven in faith, while we await the face to face vision for which we so yearn?…
God stoops down to our nothingness and transforms that nothingness into fire. -St. Therese
Forget your self-interests for theirs, however much they rebel: when opportunity occurs take some burden upon yourself to ease your neighbor of it. -St. Teresa of Avila
I am happy and shall never cease to be so because I belong to my God. At every moment I find in him my heaven and an eternal and immutable love. I don’t desire anything but him and this love grows in my soul inasmuch I see myself introduced in…
For You, O divine life, never kill unless to give life, never wound unless to heal. – St. John of the Cross
Our work in the midst of others will be efficacious and blessed by God only if we do not yield even one centimeter of the sure ground of our faith, and if we follow our conscience without letting ourselves be influenced by human respect. – St. Teresa Benedicta
Since, O my God, You inspire me to make myself like You in everything, as much as I can, I want particularly to imitate You in those virtues that are so pleasing to Your most loving Heart, namely: humility, meekness, and obedience. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
…Sunday must be a great door through which celestial life can enter into everyday life, and strength for the work of the entire week, and how the great feasts, holidays, and seasons of lent, lived though in the spirit of the Church permit the soul to mature the more from…