Thursday, June 1st
Only at the moment in which the soul for love of God divests itself of all that is not God – and love is just this! – can it be enlightened and transformed in God. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Only at the moment in which the soul for love of God divests itself of all that is not God – and love is just this! – can it be enlightened and transformed in God. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
The people of Israel did not find the manna sweet above all else, although it was so in fact, because they would not limit their desires to it alone. The sweetness and nourishment of the manna was not perceived by them, not because it was lacking, but because they longed…
I assure you that the good Lord is much kinder than you can imagine. -St. Therese
I see clearly, and since then have always seen, that if we are to please God, and if He is to give us His great graces, everything must pass through the hands of His most sacred humanity, in whom His majesty said that He is well pleased. -St. Teresa of…
Let us remain quite calm so that however things turn out they will always be to our advantage since God always arranges what is best for us. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
As the earthly body has need of daily bread, so the divine life in us demands continual nourishment. “This is the bread of life come down from heaven.” And each day in us, who make it become our daily bread, is accomplished the mystery of Christmas, the Incarnation of the…
How impossible it is for a soul to judge the things of God aright! To do so it must completely get rid of its desire and pleasures apart from God. -St. John of the Cross
The relationship of the soul to God as God foresaw it from all eternity as the goal of her (the soul’s) creation, simply cannot be more fittingly designated than as a nuptial bond. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
…it is not enough for me to give to the one who asks, I ought to anticipate the wish; I should show myself honored by the request for service, and if anything set apart for my use be taken away I should appear glad to be rid of it. -St.…
He should not go seeking after new things which can only satisfy the desires in a superficial manner (and even here cannot satisfy fully) while leaving the spirit weak and empty, without deep inner virtue. -St. John of the Cross