Monday, July 13th
If through feebleness I sometimes fall, may Your divine glance purify my soul, consuming all my imperfections, like the fire that transforms everything into itself. – St. Therese
If through feebleness I sometimes fall, may Your divine glance purify my soul, consuming all my imperfections, like the fire that transforms everything into itself. – St. Therese
God refuses only the person who does not admit his own weakness; He sends away only the unhappy proud person. You must “hold him” well and strongly, with a poor spirit, with a poor heart, with a life entirely poor…The life of a soul who seeks true happiness clearly and…
Sanctity is an interior disposition which makes us humble and little in God’s arms, conscious of our weakness and trusting even to audacity in the goodness of our Father. – St. Therese
Watch with care, for everything passes quickly…Behold the more you struggle the more you show the love you have for your God and the more you will rejoice in your Beloved with a joy and delight that cannot end. – St. Teresa of Avila
Once after receiving Communion I was given understanding of how the Father receives within our soul the most holy Body of Christ, and of how I know and have seen that these divine Persons are present, and of how pleasing to the Father this offering of His Son is. –…
The poverty of the Carmelite is very great. She can possess nothing, and this is an assurance that her whole capacity for possessing is filled with God alone. By being poor she becomes more like her divine Spouse, who did not have a place to lay His head. The Carmelite…
I believe that it is Jesus Himself, hidden at the bottom of my poor, little heart, who acts in me in some mysterious way and tells me everything He wishes me to do at the present moment. -St. Therese
I am the happiest creature. I don’t desire anything more because my whole being is satiated by God who is Love. -St. Teresa de Los Andes
O Jesus! how happy I would be if I had been faithful, but alas! often in the evening I am sad because I feel I could have corresponded better with your graces… If I were more united to You, more charitable with my sisters, more humble and more mortified, I…
When, with a truly filial confidence, we cast our faults into the consuming furnace of love, they will for certain be entirely consumed. – St. Therese