Saturday, October 3rd
We must sweeten our minds by charitable thoughts. After that, the practice of patience will become almost natural. – St. Therese
We must sweeten our minds by charitable thoughts. After that, the practice of patience will become almost natural. – St. Therese
Living faith is the firm conviction that God exists, an acceptance as true of all that He has revealed, a loving promptness to let oneself be guided by the will of God. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
I understand clearly that through love alone can we become pleasing to God, and my sole ambition is to acquire it. – St. Therese
Let us place our trust in God, let us place our trust in God who is so good and wills so much good for us. He will not abandon us, have no doubt about it. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
When I accepted the fact that I might spend my life suffering from these troubles and anxieties-which in no way diminished the trust I had in God and served only to increase my faith-I found myself changed all at once. And my soul, until that time always in turmoil, experienced…
Jesus prefers leaving me in darkness to giving me a false light which would not be Himself. – St. Therese
Jesus has shown me the only way that leads to the fire of divine love: it is that of a little child who, full of trust, falls asleep in its father’s arms. -St. Therese
If you are nothing, you must not forget that Jesus is all…think only of this uniquely lovable all. – St. Therese
Never complain of anyone, but turn the complaints against yourself; because if you do not succeed in doing what you long to do, how can you complain if others fail? -St. Teresa Margaret Redi
See that you are not suddenly saddened by the adversities of this world, for you do not know the good they bring, being ordained in the judgments of God for the everlasting joy of the elect. – St. John of the Cross