Sunday, November 8th

You will ask me perhaps how we are to glorify Him. It is very simple…cling closely to the will of this adorable Master. Look upon everything, every suffering and every joy, as coming straight from Him and your life will be a continual communion since everything will be, as it…

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Friday, November 6th

Love attracts love, mine rushes forth unto You, it would fain fill up the abyss which attracts it; but alas! It is not even as one drop of dew lost in the Ocean, to love You as You love me I must borrow Your very Love – then only, can…

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Wednesday, November 4th

No one can make me frightened anymore, because I know what to believe about His mercy and His love; I know that, in the twinkling of an eye, all those thousands of sins would be consumed as a drop of water cast into a blazing fire. -St. Therese

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Tuesday, November 3rd

The most profound expression we can give to faith is to set aside an inviolable time each day, no matter how short, when we deliberately affirm God’s absolute love for me here and now and that we stay there in blind trusting faith, receiving it. – Ruth Burrows

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