Wednesday, March 9th

There may come a day when my glory will sing to Him, and when my conscience will not feel compunction, where all sighs and fears will have ceased; but in the meantime, in silence and hope will be my strength. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Tuesday, March 8th

The “good Catholic” who, with self-satisfaction fulfills his duties, reads a good newspaper, votes well, etc. but for the rest does what he pleases, has a long way to go before he attains a life that is lived in and that comes from the hands of God, with the simplicity…

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Monday, March 7th

That is what life in Carmel means: to live in God, contemplating His goodness and beauty, and dedicated entirely to the fulfillment of His blessed Will. Then every immolation, every sacrifice becomes divine; through everything the soul sees Him whom she loves and everything leads her to Him… it is…

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Sunday, March 6th

…Sunday must be a great door through which celestial life can enter into everyday life, and strength for the work of the entire week, and how the great feats, holidays, and seasons of lent, lived though in the spirit of the Church permit the soul to mature the more from…

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Thursday, March 3rd

Frequently God wants only our will; He asks all, and if we were to refuse Him the least thing, He loves us too much to give in to us; however, as soon as our will is conformed to His, as soon as He sees we seek Him alone, then He…

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Tuesday, March 1st

There are many degrees and kinds of prayer.  The first is meditation which consists in reflecting on a truth.  The essential point of prayer is to inflame the will in the love of God, for if that is attained, one has the strength to practice virtues. -St. Teresa de los…

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Monday, February 28th

Let us praise Him, my daughters, for He has granted it to us, and let us not tire of praising so great a King and Lord. He has prepared for us a kingdom without end in exchange for a few little trials, which come wrapped in consolations and will end…

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