Saturday, June 26th

I know I am being sustained and herein lies my tranquility and security- not the conscious security of the man who is on firm ground with his own strength, but the sweet and beautiful security of a child upheld by a strong arm- which in practice is a security not…

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Friday, June 25th

That which is truly great grows unnoticed, and silence at the right moment is more fruitful than the constant activity that only too easily degenerates into spiritual idleness. In the present age, we are all possessed by a strange restlessness that suspects any silence of being a waste of time…

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Thursday, June 24th

Rather than continually dwelling on her misery and worthlessness, she merely let all thought of self fall away before the infinite majesty of God; and truly the most profitable and genuine way of despising self is to forget oneself altogether. – on St. Teresa Margaret Redi from God is Love

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Wednesday, June 23rd

If through my intercession I could play a part in getting a soul to love and praise God more, even if it be for just a short time, I think that would matter more to me than being in glory. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Tuesday, June 22nd

I’ve never acted like Pilate, who refused to listen to the truth. I’ve always said to God: O my God, I really want to listen to You; I beg You to answer me when I say humbly: What is truth? Make me see things as they really are. Let nothing…

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Monday, June 21st

We have always seen that those who were closest to Christ our Lord were those with the greatest trials. Let us look at what His glorious Mother suffered as well as the glorious apostles. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Sunday, June 20th

And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and the name of that river was suffering…and then I saw a boat which carried souls across the river, and the name of the boat was Love. -St. John of the Cross

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Saturday, June 19th

Today I had the joy of offering Jesus several sacrifices with respect to my dominant fault, but how much they cost me! There I recognized my weakness. When I am unjustly reproved, I feel as though the blood were boiling in my veins. My whole being rises in revolt! ……

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Thursday, June 17th

Remember that there are few souls who stay with Him and follow Him in His trials…that there are actually people who insult Him and with great irreverence drive Him away from their homes. In many places He is neglected and ill-treated, but He suffers everything and will continue to do…

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