Friday, June 23rd

Nothing shows forth the love which the Heart of God bears for us as does the Eucharist. It means union, consummation, He in us and we in Him. Is not that heaven on earth, heaven in faith, while we await the face to face vision for which we so yearn?…

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Thursday, June 22nd

His Majesty gave us, as I have said, the manna and nourishment of His humanity that we might find Him at will and not die of hunger, save through our own fault. In no matter how many ways the soul may desire to eat, it will find delight and consolation…

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Wednesday, June 21st

To make the Eucharist part of one’s own life means to go beyond the limitations of one’s own life and to graft oneself onto the immensity of Christ’s life. He who visits the Lord in His house will not always want to bother Him about his own affairs, but will…

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Tuesday, June 20th

All Three Persons of the Holy Trinity dwell in the soul that loves Them ‘in truth’ … keeping Their word. And when the soul has understood its riches, whatever natural or supernatural joy may come to it from creatures or even from God, only calls it to enter within itself,…

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Sunday, June 18th

By contrast with the lethargy that comes from lack of vital energy, resting in God is something completely new and unique. The former was dead silence. Now it is replaced by the feeling of being safe, of being relieved from all anxiety and responsibility and obligation to act. And as…

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Saturday, June 17th

Let the soul, then, be ‘enclosed’ without anxiety. He who, when the doors were shut, entered bodily among His disciples and said ‘Peace be with you’ in an unexpected and inconceivable way, will enter spiritually into the soul when it keeps the door of its powers closed-that is, memory, understanding…

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Thursday, June 15th

The soul is wearied and fatigued by its desires… the (desires) disturb it, allowing it not to rest in any place or in any thing whatsoever.… the desires and indulgence in them all cause it greater emptiness and hunger. – St. John of the Cross

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Wednesday, June 14th

My love discovers the charms Of Your Face adorned with tears. I smile through my own tears When I contemplate Your sorrows… Your beauty, which You know how to veil, Discloses for me all its mystery… Leave in me the Divine impress Of Your Features… – St. Therese

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