Thursday, July 13th
Those who seek to please God without reservation, at all times and in every situation, draw upon themselves the divine gaze and receive from the Sacred Heart of Jesus the greatest affection and care. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
Those who seek to please God without reservation, at all times and in every situation, draw upon themselves the divine gaze and receive from the Sacred Heart of Jesus the greatest affection and care. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
The very pure spirit does not bother about the regard of others or human respect, but communes inwardly with God, alone and in solitude as to all forms, and with delightful tranquility, for the knowledge of God is received in divine silence. – St. John of the Cross
Then, when the hour of humiliation comes, when one is brought to nothing, she will remember that short sentence, ‘But Jesus made no further answer’, and she too will be silent, keeping all her strength — that strength we draw from silence — for the Lord. When she is abandoned,…
Suffering makes us good; it makes us indulgent towards others, because suffering brings us nearer to the good Lord. – St. Therese
Charity enlightens where selfishness makes one blind; it widens where selfishness narrows; it is joyful where selfishness is miserable. -Bl. Pere Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus, OCD
The bread of life that we need each day to augment eternal life in us renders our will a docile instrument of the divine will, establishes in us the kingdom of God, and purifies our lips and heart to glorify His holy name. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Since the things of the world cannot enter the soul, they are not in themselves an encumbrance or harm to it; rather, it is the will and appetite dwelling within that cause the damage when set on these things. -St. John of the Cross
Whoever, led by the truth of faith, seeks God, will set out by his free effort precisely to there, where the mystically graced are drawn…into the empty solitude of his interior in order to linger there in dark faith- in a simply loving upward glance of the spirit to the…
The more interior the suffering is and the less apparent to the eyes of creatures, the more it rejoices You, O my God! -St. Therese
Especially persons of prayer should always be attached to him (St. Joseph). For I don’t know how one can think about the Queen of Angels and about when she went through so much with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the good assistance he then provided…