Monday, May 6th
Oh, if you knew how necessary suffering is so God’s work can be done in the soul… – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Oh, if you knew how necessary suffering is so God’s work can be done in the soul… – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
If, while He went about in the world, the sick were healed merely by touching His clothes, how can we doubt that He will work miracles when He is within us, if we have faith, or that He will give us what we ask of Him since He is in…
If we plant a flower or a shrub and water it daily it will grow so tall that in time we shall need a spade and a hoe to uproot it. It is just so, I think, when we commit a fault, however small, each day, and do not cure…
I beg you not to remain any longer at the feet of Jesus but to follow that first impulse that would carry you into His arms. -St. Therese
Silence and solitude are brother and sister who hold hands and gently help each other. – Blessed John of Saint Samson
There is no wood like that of the cross for lighting the fire of love in the soul! And Jesus needs to be loved and to find in the world, where He is so offended, souls that are given, wholly surrendered to Him and His good pleasure! -St. Elizabeth of…
If we fall, an act of love will set all right, and Jesus smiles. He helps us without seeming to do so; and the tears which sinners cause Him to shed are wiped away by our feeble love. Love can do all things. – St. Therese
Neither skill nor knowledge is required to go to God, but just a heart determined to turn to Him only, to beat for Him only, and to love Him only. -Brother Lawrence
The Way of Spiritual Childhood…is the only means to make rapid progress in love and the only way by which saints are made. – St. Therese
To live by love is to banish all fear, all remembrance of past faults. – St. Therese