Thursday, October 24th
Neither skill nor knowledge is required to go to God, but just a heart determined to turn to Him only, to beat for Him only, and to love Him only. -Brother Lawrence
Neither skill nor knowledge is required to go to God, but just a heart determined to turn to Him only, to beat for Him only, and to love Him only. -Brother Lawrence
The Savior hangs naked and destitute before you on the cross because he has chosen poverty…Gratefully receive what God’s providence sends you. Joyfully do without what He may let you to do without. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
That gaze of the soul at its Bridegroom inflames it with love. You can always look at Him. That sight of Jesus will bring you peace, if you are disturbed or exalted. It will fortify you, if you are cast down; it will bring you recollection, if you are dissipated.…
If we fall, an act of love will set all right, and Jesus smiles. He helps us without seeming to do so; and the tears which sinners cause Him to shed are wiped away by our feeble love. Love can do all things. – St. Therese
He has suffered your committing a thousand ugly offenses and abominations against Him, and this suffering wasn’t enough for Him to cease looking at you. Is it too much to ask you to turn your eyes from these exterior things in order to look at Him sometimes? – St. Teresa…
I want to have a character that is strong. I’ll never allow myself to be led by feelings or by my heart but by reason and conscience. – St. Teresa of the Andes
How does one acquire this love? By being determined to work and to suffer, and to do so when the occasion arises. It is indeed true that by thinking of what we owe the Lord, of who He is, and what we are, a soul’s determination grows, and that this…
I will love God alone and will not have the misfortune of attaching myself to creatures, now that my heart perceives what He has in store for those who love Him. – St. Therese
In this arid and obscure night the soul undergoes a thorough reform in its imperfections of avarice, in which it coveted various spiritual objects and was never content with any of its spiritual exercises. – St. John of the Cross
…the harm done to us by our failure to understand well this humility and self-knowledge…self-knowledge is the most important thing for us. – St.Teresa of Avila