Tuesday, June 23rd

Let them trust in the mercy of God and not at all in themselves, and they will see how His Majesty brings them from the dwelling places of one stage to these of another and settles them in a land where these wild animals cannot touch or tire them, but…

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Saturday, June 20th

I do not wish to store up merits for heaven, I want to work for Thy Love alone, with the single goal of pleasing Thee, of bringing consolation to Thy Sacred Heart and of saving souls who Thou wilt love eternally. – Pere Jacques

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Friday, June 19th

We seem to ourselves to be making progress, yet we become weary, for, believe me, we are walking through a mist; it will be fortunate if we do not lose ourselves. Do you think, my daughters, if we could travel from one country to another in eight days, that it…

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Monday, June 15th

And so in spite of this trial which robs me of all sense of enjoyment, I can still say: ‘ You have given me O Lord, a delight in Your doings.’ Ps. 91: 5. For is there a greater joy than to suffer for Your love, O my God? The…

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