Friday, March 26th

Mary has generated us according to the life of grace, having given her whole being, body and soul to be the Mother of God. From this is born a most intimate union between her and us: she loves us, she knows us, and is completely available to make us what…

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Thursday, March 25th

If when He went about in the world the mere touch of His robes cured the sick, why doubt, if we have faith, that miracles will be worked while He is within us and that He will give what we ask of Him, since He is in our house? -St.…

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Tuesday, March 23rd

When your soul is burdened and fatigued by the weight of your body, don’t be discouraged. Rather go by faith and love to Him who said: “Come to me and I will refresh you.” -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

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Sunday, March 21st

With daring confidence, and reckless of self, I will remain there till death, my gaze fixed upon the Divine Sun. Nothing shall affright me, neither wind or rain; and should impenetrable clouds conceal from my eyes the Orb of Love, should it seem to me that beyond this life there…

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Friday, March 19th

Especially persons of prayer should always be attached to St. Joseph… Those who cannot find a master to teach them prayer should take this glorious saint for their master, and they will not go astray. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Thursday, March 18th

Imagine, also, that in this palace dwells this mighty King who has been so gracious enough to become your Father; and that he is seated upon an extremely valuable throne, which is your heart. -St. Teresa of Avila

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Wednesday, March 17th

It is by the Blood of the cross that He will make peace in my little heaven, so that it may truly be the repose of the Three. He will fill me with Himself; He will bury me with Him; He will make me live again with Him, by His…

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