Monday, November 4th

When our hearts are free from liking and judging people merely according to their natural gifts we are not held captive by external and changing charms. We are instead free to love people as they really are, and we can penetrate more easily to the core of their personality, their…

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Saturday, November 2nd

I like to find at least a few moments each day spent in doing good for others out of love for God. These few moments, almost unnoticeably used, bring something like rays of peace and comfort behind them. They unite us with people and God with purity and sweetness. -St.…

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Friday, November 1st

There is no wood like that of the Cross to kindle the fire of Jove in the soul, and Our Lord so wants to be loved, to find in the world … souls that are completely surrendered to Him and to His good pleasure … I tell you from Him…

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Wednesday, October 30th

The Savior hangs before you with a pierced heart. He has spilled His heart’s blood to win your heart…The arms of the Crucified are spread out to draw you to His heart, He wants your life in order to give you His. -St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

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Tuesday, October 29th

If a man puts anything in his line of vision, however small, it is enough to obstruct his sight and prevent him from seeing other things in front of him; just so any small desire or idle act in the soul is sufficient to obstruct its vision of great and…

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