Monday, December 2nd

I understand very well why St. Peter fell. Poor Peter, he was relying upon himself instead of relying only upon God’s strength…Before Peter fell, Our Lord said to him: ‘And once you are converted, strengthen your brethren.’ This means: Convince them of the weakness of human strength through your own…

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Friday, November 29th

Since, O my God, You inspire me to make myself like You in everything, as much as I can, I want particularly to imitate You in those virtues that are so pleasing to Your most loving Heart, namely: humility, meekness, and obedience. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi

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Thursday, November 28th

Nothing so pleases Him as to see those souls developing and nothing can raise them so high as to become, in some way, equal with God. That is why He asks of the soul the tribute of its love, since it is the property of love to equalize, as far…

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Wednesday, November 27th

For often it is God’s will that His elect should be conscious of their misery and so He withdraws His help from them a little — and no more than that is needed to make us recognize our limitations very quickly. They then realize that this is a way of…

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Tuesday, November 26th

All the being of creation, then, compared with the infinite Being of God, is nothing. And therefore the soul that sets its affection upon the being of creation is likewise nothing in the eyes of God, and less than nothing; for, as we have said, love makes equality and similitude,…

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