Sunday, March 18th
This is the reason for prayer my daughters, the purpose of this spiritual marriage: the birth always of good works, good works. – St. Teresa of Avila
This is the reason for prayer my daughters, the purpose of this spiritual marriage: the birth always of good works, good works. – St. Teresa of Avila
I have written, God does not allow us to drink of this water of perfect contemplation whenever we like: the choice is not ours; this Divine union is something quite supernatural, given that it may cleanse the soul and leave it pure and free from the mud and misery in…
Let’s seek Him by means of the Sacraments. Our Lord has left us the Sacraments so that we can unite ourselves more to His Divine Person. Let’s go to Communion as often as possible so that we can love Him more and more. Whoever draws near to the fire will…
Faith in the secret history of souls ought to fortify us when what we see externally (in ourselves and in others) takes away our courage. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Through every sincere prayer something happens in the church, and it is the church itself that is praying therein, for it is the Holy Spirit living in the church that intercedes for every individual soul “with sighs too deep for words.” This is exactly what “authentic” prayer is, for “no…
Faith tells us of things we have never seen, and cannot come to know by our natural senses. -St. John of the Cross
We are miserable and fall at every step. We are children who don’t even know how to talk. Why doesn’t Jesus become angry with our falls that are caused by our ignorance and our weakness? Never allow discouragement to enter your heart. -St. Teresa de los Andes
When aglow with love, the soul ponders within itself God’s immensity, His faithfulness, the proofs of love He has shown us, His benefits to us … the humble soul will never put God high enough nor itself low enough. But this is the wonderful thing: its powerlessness will be turned…
How happy I am to see myself imperfect and be in need of God’s mercy. -St Therese
Once an individual is drawn into God’s orbit, withdrawing into his own interior and surrendering himself to Him in loving union, he has forever resolved the problem. It suffices that he allow himself to be directed and guided by the Spirit of God- who henceforth moves him noticeably – because…