Friday, August 16th

The lukewarm are very lax and remiss in their will and spirit, and have no solicitude about serving God. Those suffering from the purgative dryness are ordinarily solicitous, concerned, and pained about not serving God. – St. John of the Cross

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Tuesday, August 13th

When Jesus made in me His dwelling place, When God took possession of my heart, So well that since that hour, Since that mysterious colloquy, That divine and delicious meeting, I have aspired to nothing else but to give my life In order to return a bit of His great…

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Friday, August 9th

The darkness that leads to God is, as we already know, faith. It is the only means that leads to union because it sets God before our eyes as he is: as infinite, as triune. Faith resembles God in that both blind the intellect and appear to it as darkness.…

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Thursday, August 8th

So I will go to the altar of God. Here it is not a question of my minute petty affairs, but of the great offering of reconciliation. I may participate in that, purify myself and be made happy, and lay myself with all my doings and troubles along with the…

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Monday, August 7th

God gave us faculties for our use; each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep, but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher. – St. Teresa of Avila

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