Sunday, August 4th
God…never tires of waiting for some people, enlightening them only little by little, so I was careful not to rush things. – St. Therese
God…never tires of waiting for some people, enlightening them only little by little, so I was careful not to rush things. – St. Therese
Suffering makes us good; it makes us indulgent towards others, because suffering brings us nearer to the good Lord. – St. Therese
…we will not reach perfection in the love of neighbor if that love doesn’t rise from love of God as its root. – St. Teresa of Avila
I have found favor with this sovereign Virgin in everything I have asked of her, and in the end she has drawn me to herself. – St. Teresa of Avila
The Lord desires so intensely that we love Him and seek His company, so much so that from time to time He calls us to draw near Him. And His voice is so sweet…They come through words spoken by other good people, or through sermons, or through what is read…
All of this darkness signifies the obscurity of faith with which the divinity is clothed while communicating itself to the soul. -St. John of the Cross
His Majesty is not accustomed to paying poorly for His lodging if the hospitality is good. – St. Teresa of Avila
… the communication and sense of His presence, however great they may be, and the most sublime and profound knowledge of God which the soul may have in this life, are not God essentially, neither have they any affinity with Him, for in very truth He is still hidden from…
The more you feel your weakness, the greater should be your trust, for it is upon Him alone that we are leaning. – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Don’t think you are capable of great trials if you are not capable of such little ones. – St. Teresa of Avila