Saturday, September 14th
I am consoled to hear the clock strike, for at the passing of that hour of life it seems to me I am drawing a little closer to the vision of God. – St. Teresa of Avila
I am consoled to hear the clock strike, for at the passing of that hour of life it seems to me I am drawing a little closer to the vision of God. – St. Teresa of Avila
You are the true peace of the heart, You are its only rest; outside of You all things are hard and uneasy. -St. Therese
To live by love is to banish all fear, all remembrance of past faults. – St. Therese
The divine life which is enkindled in the soul is the Light that came into the darkness-the mystery of the Holy Night. The one who bears it within himself understands its meaning…God is in us and we in Him; that is our portion of the kingdom of God, established by…
For then [the soul] didn’t understand the tremendous gain trials bring. Perhaps they were the means by which God brought it to the center, and the company it has gives it much greater strength than ever. – St. Teresa of Avila
Jesus wishes to receive charity from us like a poor man…He wishes to take nothing from us unless we give it freely, and our least gift is precious in His sight. – St. Therese
We are in the hands of our good God and Father of all consolation; all that He permits will turn to our greater good, although now we do not understand it. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
It is enough to humble ourselves to bear patiently our imperfections. There lies true sanctity for us. – St. Therese
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved. – St. John of the Cross
His Majesty knows what is good for us; it is not for us to advise Him how to treat us, for He has the right to tell us that we know not what we ask. Remember, it is of the greatest importance- the sole aim of one beginning to practice…