Saturday, November 23rd

If, while He went about in the world, the sick were healed merely by touching His clothes, how can we doubt that He will work miracles when He is within us, if we have faith, or that He will give us what we ask of Him since He is in…

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Friday, November 22nd

“To watch in prayer”- this is to say the same thing that Elijah said with the words, “to stand before the face of God.” Prayer is looking up into the face of the Eternal. We can do this only when the spirit is awake in its inmost depths, freed from…

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Wednesday, November 20th

It should be noted here that, when we desire anyone’s affection, we always seek it because of some interest, profit or pleasure of our own….When this truth is put to them, they laugh at the distress which had been assailing them in the past as to whether their affection was…

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Monday, November 18th

Ordinarily this contemplation, which is secret and hidden from the very one who receives it, imparts to the soul, together with the dryness and emptiness it produces in the senses, an inclination to remain alone and in quietude. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, November 15th

They dislike praising others and love to be praised themselves; sometimes they seek out such praise. Herein they are like the foolish virgins, who, when their lamps could not be lit, sought oil from others. – St. John of the Cross

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