Thursday, September 3rd
Learn, for the Creator’s sake, to overcome yourself in all things; and then you will be able to attain to the knowledge of God. -St. Therese
Learn, for the Creator’s sake, to overcome yourself in all things; and then you will be able to attain to the knowledge of God. -St. Therese
A glance of love cast towards Jesus and the knowledge of our profound misery makes reparation for everything. – St. Therese
The proud person is like a grain of wheat thrown into water: it swells, it gets big. Expose that grain to the fire: it dries up, it burns. The humble soul is like a grain of wheat thrown into the earth: it descends, it hides itself, it disappears, it dies;…
Knowing, O my God, that my sins made Your cross so heavy that You had to sink beneath it, this makes me even more convinced that I must carry my cross together with You and that I should not shy away from it, even should I sink beneath its weight.…
We need sacrifice, renouncement to our own will to reach complete union with Our Lord. – St. Teresa of the Andes
I have understood that the thing that separates me most from God is my pride. I propose to be humble. Without humility the other virtues are hypocrisy. … Humility gains us similarity to Christ, peace of soul, holiness and intimate union with God. – St. Teresa of the Andes
How sweet is the way of love. True, one can fall or commit infidelities, but, knowing how to draw profit from everything, love quickly consumes everything that can be displeasing to Jesus; it leaves nothing but a humble and profound peace in the depths of the heart. – St. Therese
Sometimes when I am in such a state of spiritual dryness that not a single good thought occurs to me, I say very slowly the “Our Father,” or the “Hail Mary,” and these prayers suffice to take me out of myself. – St. Therese
Whoever lives in the presence of so good a friend and excellent a leader as is Jesus Christ can endure all things. Christ helps us and strengthens us and never fails; he is a true friend…What more do we desire from such a good friend at our side, who will…
Oh, would that I could tell everyone what sources of strength, of peace and also of happiness they would find if they consented to live in this intimate union with Him. Only they do not know how to wait. If God does not bestow Himself in a manner they can…