Saturday, November 14th
Self-satisfied joy in one’s own works is an injustice and a denial of God who initiates every single good work. Souls like these make no progress in perfection. -St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Self-satisfied joy in one’s own works is an injustice and a denial of God who initiates every single good work. Souls like these make no progress in perfection. -St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
I love You so much, my heart burns with love for You, that I cannot live calm and happy, while You, my Beloved Spouse, suffer. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Silence and solitude are brother and sister who hold hands and gently help each other. – Blessed John of Saint Samson
We are like so many foolish peasant lads: we think we know something of Thee, yet it must be comparatively nothing, for there are profound secrets even in ourselves of which we know naught. -St. Teresa of Avila
Since we are all members of one body, inasmuch as we have an abundance of divine life, we can communicate it in the great body of the Church. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
God cannot inspire unrealistic desires. – St. Therese
You will ask me perhaps how we are to glorify Him. It is very simple…cling closely to the will of this adorable Master. Look upon everything, every suffering and every joy, as coming straight from Him and your life will be a continual communion since everything will be, as it…
For when the sensory delight and gratification coming from things are quenched, neither the devil, nor the world, nor sensuality has arms or power against the spirit. – St. John of the Cross
Love attracts love, mine rushes forth unto You, it would fain fill up the abyss which attracts it; but alas! It is not even as one drop of dew lost in the Ocean, to love You as You love me I must borrow Your very Love – then only, can…
I saw that when God took away from me all that seemed to be leading me to Him, it was only to give Himself even more. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity