Monday, January 4th

The most potent and acceptable prayer is the prayer that leaves the best effects. I don’t mean it must immediately fill the soul with desire . . . The best effects are those that are followed up by actions…when the soul not only desires the honor of God, but really…

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Sunday, January 3rd

I find I am doing nothing to correspond to love…I feel within me a continual reproach of the Sovereign Good, and on the other hand everything seems to hinder me from simply rushing forward to God…I find no other remedy but to live by faith. I cannot imagine what painful…

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Friday, January 1st

If the greatest sinner on earth should repent at the moment of death, and draw his last breath in an act of love, neither the many graces he had abused, nor the many sins he had committed, would stand in his way. Our Lord would see nothing, count nothing, but…

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Thursday, December 31st

And it is clear that since God wants to lead those whom He greatly loves by the path of tribulation there is no reason to think that He despises contemplatives, for with His own mouth He praises them and considers them His friends. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Wednesday, December 30th

Since man’s life on earth is a time of trial and all who would live devotedly in Christ must undergo persecution and the devil your foe is on the prowl like a roaring lion looking for prey to devour, you must use every care to clothe yourselves in God’s armor…

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Sunday, December 27th

Midnight is not the time to greet a guest. Caution the doors against both foes and friends, and try to make the windows understand their unimportance when the daylight ends. Persuade the stairs to patience, and deny the passages their aimless to and fro. Virtue it is that puts a…

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