Sunday, February 7th
Let us be one with Jesus…let us make our life a continual sacrifice, a martyrdom of love to console Jesus. – St. Therese
Let us be one with Jesus…let us make our life a continual sacrifice, a martyrdom of love to console Jesus. – St. Therese
Let’s empty our soul so He can come forth in it and communicate that eternal life that is its own. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
The more interior the suffering is and the less apparent to the eyes of creatures, the more it rejoices You, O my God! -St. Therese
I have not known anyone truly devoted to him (St. Joseph) and rendering him special services who has not advanced more in virtue. For in a powerful way he benefits souls who recommend themselves to him. – St. Teresa of Avila
How happy I am to see myself imperfect and be in need of God’s mercy. -St Therese
His Majesty gave us, as I have said, the manna and nourishment of His humanity that we might find Him at will and not die of hunger, save through our own fault. In no matter how many ways the soul may desire to eat, it will find delight and consolation…
Let us believe in love with the beloved Apostle, John (1 Jn. 4:16) and since we possess Him within us, what matter the nights which may darken our sky? If Jesus seems asleep, let us rest near Him; let us be very calm and silent and not wake Him, but…
When God finds a soul penetrated by an intense faith He pours out His grace in abundance. – Brother Lawrence
What God seeks, He being Himself God by nature, is to make us gods through participation, just as fire converts all things into fire. – St. John of the Cross
Nothing shows forth the love which the Heart of God bears for us as does the Eucharist. It means union, consummation, He in us and we in Him. Is not that heaven on earth, heaven in faith, while we await the face to face vision for which we so yearn?…