Thursday, February 18th
For this reason, the purer, simpler, and more perfect the general knowledge is, the darker it seems to be and the less the intellect perceives. – St. John of the Cross
For this reason, the purer, simpler, and more perfect the general knowledge is, the darker it seems to be and the less the intellect perceives. – St. John of the Cross
It is good to serve God in darkness and trial! We have only this life to live by faith. -St. Therese
We must apply ourselves continually to the end that all our actions may be little spontaneous conversations with God, coming from purity and simplicity of heart. – Br. Lawrence
Believe me, in the presence of Infinite Wisdom, …one act of humility is worth more than all the knowledge of the world. – St. Teresa of Avila
A soul which thus permits the divine Being to satisfy in itself His need to communicate “all that He is and all that He has,” is in reality the praise of glory of all His gifts. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Trials help greatly to detach us from earth. They make us look to God, rather than to this world. – St. Therese
To obtain the granting of requests that we have at heart, there is no better means than that of directing the energy of our prayer to asking for what is most pleasing to God. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
All my occupation now is the practice of the love of God. All I do is done in love. All I suffer I suffer in the sweetness of love. This is the meaning of David when he says, ‘I will keep my strength to Thee.’ -St. John of the Cross…
Offer Him all that wounds your heart. Confide everything to Him. Think that day and night you have someone in your soul who never leaves you alone. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
O true God and my Lord! It is a great consolation for the soul wearied by the loneliness of being separated from You to see that You are everywhere. -St. Teresa of Avila