Monday, November 16th

One cannot attain the end without adopting the means, and as Our Lord made me understand that it was by the Cross He would give me souls, the more crosses I met with the stronger grew my attraction to suffering. – St. Therese

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Sunday, November 15th

If you put yourself completely into the hands of the Lord, you can trust that you are being guided safely. What you surrender to Him is never lost; it is preserved, purified, and elevated and balanced to the correct proportions. -St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Sunday, November 8th

You will ask me perhaps how we are to glorify Him. It is very simple…cling closely to the will of this adorable Master. Look upon everything, every suffering and every joy, as coming straight from Him and your life will be a continual communion since everything will be, as it…

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