Saturday, October 9th

Hence, don’t pay any attention to the fears they raise or to the picture of the dangers they paint for you…Should anyone tell you that prayer is dangerous, consider him the real danger and run from him. Don’t forget this counsel, for perhaps you will need it. There will be…

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Friday, October 8th

Turn your eyes upon yourself and look at yourself inwardly, as I have said. You will find your Master; He will not fail you: indeed, the less outward comfort you have, the [much] greater the joy He will give you. He is full of compassion and never fails those who…

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Wednesday, October 6th

Sometimes the need to be silent makes itself so strongly felt that one would wish not to know how to do anything else save remain at the Master’s feet with Magdalen, eager to hear everything, to penetrate ever more deeply into the mystery of love which He came to reveal…

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Tuesday, October 5th

I always feel the same fearless certainty that I shall become a great saint. I’m not relying on my own merits, as I have none, but I put my hope in Him who is goodness and holiness Himself. It is He alone who, satisfied with my feeble efforts, will raise…

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Monday, October 4th

May You be blessed, my God, forever! How obvious it is that You loved me much more than I did myself! How many times, my Lord, have You freed me from so dark a prison, and how often have I put myself in it again against Your will! – St.…

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Sunday, October 3rd

The mirror in which we ought to look at ourselves that we may reach divine union is Jesus Christ, because no one can attain it except by means of and through the merits of Jesus Crucified. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi

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Saturday, October 2nd

Before the divine fire is introduced into and united to the substance of the soul through a person’s perfect and complete purgation and purity, its flame, which is the Holy Spirit, wounds it by destroying and consuming the imperfections of its bad habits. And this is the work of the…

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Friday, October 1st

I know that He is better pleased to see you stumbling in the night upon a stony road, than walking in full light of day upon a path carpeted with flowers, because these flowers might hinder your advance. – St. Therese

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Thursday, September 30th

So Sisters, if you love Him, strive that what you say to the Lord may not amount to mere polite words; strive to suffer what His Majesty desires you to suffer. For otherwise, when you give your will, it would be like showing a jewel to another, making a gesture…

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