Monday, November 8th

A supernatural soul does not stop to deal with secondary causes, but solely with God. And how life thus becomes simplified! … then the soul is truly great, truly free, for its will is ‘enclosed’ in that of God. – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

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Saturday, November 6th

Humility does not disturb or disquiet or agitate, however great it may be; it comes with peace, delight, and calm. . . . The pain of genuine humility doesn’t agitate or afflict the soul; rather, this humility expands it and enables it to serve God more. – St. Teresa of…

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Friday, November 5th

But when souls are worn out from many years of meditation and of having sought this Bridegroom, and most weary of worldly things, they sit under the shadow of Truth, they do not seek their comfort or calm or rest anywhere except where they understand they can truly have it.…

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Thursday, November 4th

It is greatly to be lamented that, when God has granted them strength to break other and stouter cords– namely, affections for sins and vanities — they should fail to attain to such blessing because they have not shaken off some childish thing which God had bidden them conquer for…

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Saturday, October 30th

Walk in Christ…that means to go out from self…in order to enter more deeply into Him at every moment; to enter so deeply that one is “rooted‟ in Him and may boldly challenge all events with the great cry, Who, then, shall separate us from the love of Christ?‟ –…

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