Monday, January 27th

Oh, how powerful over souls is the apostle who remains always at the Spring of living waters; then he can overflow without his soul becoming empty, since he lives in communion with the Infinite! -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

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Sunday, January 26th

Nothing shows forth the love which the Heart of God bears for us as does the Eucharist. It means union, consummation, He in us and we in Him. Is not that heaven on earth, heaven in faith, while we await the face to face vision for which we so yearn?…

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Saturday, January 25th

To endure all things with a calm and untroubled mind not only brings many blessings to the soul, but also enables us to have clear judgement about them, and to take appropriate steps for their betterment. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, January 24th

…try occasionally to elicit some acts such as praising God, rejoicing in His goodness and that He is what He is: let them desire that He may be honored and glorified. They must do this as best they can, for it greatly inflames the will. Let them be very careful,…

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Monday, January 20th

Simple faith is necessary in seeking God. In outward things, light helps to prevent one from falling; but in the things of God just the opposite is true: it is better for the soul not to see if it is to be more secure. – St. John of the Cross

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