Saturday, January 7th

You will never be commonplace if you are vigilant in love! But in the hours when you feel only oppression and lassitude, you will please Him even more if you faithfully believe that He is still working, that He is loving you just the same, and even more: because His…

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Wednesday, January 4th

Let us sanctify ourselves for the sake of souls and since we are members of one and the same body, in the measure in which we possess abundantly the divine life we shall be able to impart it to the great body of the Church. For me, all apostleship is…

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Tuesday, January 3rd

(My God) What a joyous mystery is your presence within me, in that intimate sanctuary of my soul where I can always find you, even when I do not feel your presence. Of what importance is feeling? Perhaps you are all the closer when I feel you less. -St. Elizabeth…

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Monday, January 2nd

O my beloved Spouse and loving Word, you engender the Body of the holy Church in a way which you alone know and understand…By means of your Blood, you make a well-organized, well-formed body of which you are the head. The angels delight in its beauty, the archangels admire it,…

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Sunday, January 1st

God is ready to pardon a sinner who humbles himself. He looks with more love on a soul who returns to Him in Humility, than on a faithful soul who finds pleasure in its virtues. – Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified

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