Saturday, December 31st

Leave aside any of that faintheartedness that some persons have and think is humility. You see, humility doesn’t consist in refusing a favor the King offers you but in accepting such a favor and understanding how bountifully it comes to you and being delighted with it. – St. Teresa of…

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Friday, December 30th

The pathway of the incarnate Son of God winds around the cross and suffering until it comes to the glory of the resurrection. And for each of us, for all humanity, the way is joined to that of the Son of God through suffering and death, to the glory of…

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Sunday, December 25th

Since Jesus wants to sleep why will I hinder Him? I am only too happy that He doesn’t bother with me, for He is showing me that I am not a stranger when treating me this way, for I assure you, He is going to no trouble about carrying on…

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Saturday, December 24th

In order to allow an entire human existence to be pervaded with divine life, it is not enough to kneel down once a year in front of the manger and allow oneself to be taken in by the spell of the Holy Night. One must be actively engaged with God…

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Friday, December 23rd

Think how Our Lady must have felt when, after the Incarnation, she possessed within her the Incarnate Word, the gift of God! In what depths of silence, of recollection, of adoration, she must have lived in the centre of her soul, in order to embrace that God whose Mother she…

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Thursday, December 22nd

The Redemption was decided in the eternal silence of the divine life and in the hiddenness of the tranquil dwelling of Nazareth; the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin while she was praying alone, and it brought about the Incarnation of the Redeemer. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith…

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