Friday, May 27th
Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more needs and desires it finds. -St. Teresa of Avila
Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more needs and desires it finds. -St. Teresa of Avila
Oh, how sweet Your presence will be to me, You Who are the supreme good! I must draw near You in silence pleased to unite me to You in … I rejoice in Your arms. Now I ask You, Lord, do not abandon me at any time in my recollection,…
Do as perfectly as you can the tasks of your everyday life, even the most trivial. It is quite simple. Follow Our Lord like a little child. I skip after him as best I can. I put my trust in him and abandon all care. -St. Titus Brandsma
Always remember to love your neighbor; always prefer the one who tries your patience, who tests your virtue, because with her you can always merit: suffering is love; the Law is love. – Mary of Jesus Crucified, OCD
You must think carefully if what you are about to ask for will be good for you; if it will not, do not ask for it, but ask His Majesty to give you light. For we are blind and often we have such a loathing for life-giving food that we…
When one gives his time to God, he finds time to accomplish all his duties. – Bl. Marie of the Incarnation, OCD
I am no longer able to ask eagerly for anything save the perfect accomplishment of God’s design on my soul. -St. Therese
Seek in reading and you will find in meditation; knock in prayer and it will be opened to you in contemplation. -St. John of the Cross
With what peace, what serenity and recollection Mary rendered and gave herself to all things! How the most commonplace events were divinized by her, for she remained ever in adoration of the Gift of God. Nothing kept her from giving of herself outwardly when it was a question of performing…
It is not the soul that makes the progress, but it is Christ, who carries her as a child is carried. -Bl. Mary of Jesus of Toledo, OCD