Monday, June 6th

In truth, it is impossible that a heart which can find rest only in contemplation of the Tabernacle-and yours is such, you tell me- could so far offend Our Lord as not to be able to receive Him. . . . What does offend Jesus, what wounds Him to the…

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Friday, June 3rd

Knowing, O my God, that my sins made Your cross so heavy that You had to sink beneath it, this makes me even more convinced that I must carry my cross together with You and that I should not shy away from it, even should I sink beneath its weight.…

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Thursday, June 2nd

Oh, ask Him that I may be equal to my vocation and not abuse the graces He lavishes on me; if you knew how fearful that makes me sometimes…Then I cast myself on Him whom Saint John calls ‘the Faithful and True,’ and I beg Him to be Himself my…

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Sunday, May 29th

As soon as God sees that, having co-operated with His initial grace, we are capable of receiving His grace, His free goodness is ready to bestow upon us the gift that makes us resemble Him. Our aptitude to receive grace depends upon the interior integrity wherewith we move towards Him,…

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Saturday, May 28th

Many of these beginners have also at times great spiritual avarice. They will be found to be discontented with the spirituality which God gives them; and they are very disconsolate and querulous because they find not in spiritual things the consolation that they would desire. – St. John of the…

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