Sunday, June 26th

How serious life is: each minute is given us in order to “root” us deeper in God, as Saint Paul says, so the resemblance to our divine Model may be more striking, the union more intimate. But to accomplish this plan, which is that of God Himself, here is the…

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Friday, June 24th

Don’t be troubled, little sisters, if I suffer very much and if you see in me, as I’ve already said, no sign of happiness at the moment of my death. Our Lord really dies as a Victim of Love, and you see what His agony was! -St. Therese

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Wednesday, June 22nd

Some there are who call the Bridegroom their Beloved, but He is not really beloved, because their heart is not wholly with Him. Their prayers are, therefore, not so effectual before God, and they shall not obtain their petitions until, persevering in prayer, they fix their minds more constantly upon…

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Tuesday, June 21st

…Jesus has taken command of my ship and has protected it from encountering other vessels. He has kept me in solitude with Himself. Consequently, my heart, by knowing this Captain, has fallen under the spell of His love, and here He keeps me captive. Oh, I love this prison and…

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Sunday, June 19th

Therefore the whole perpetual sacrificial offering of Christ at the cross, in the holy Mass, and in the eternal glory of heaven can be conceived as a single great thanksgiving as Eucharist: as gratitude for creation, salvation, and consummation. Christ presents himself in the name of all creation, whose prototype…

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Saturday, June 18th

The divine light is here very appropriately called the approaches of Dawn, that is, twilight. For as the twilight of the morn disperses the light of day, so the mind, tranquil and reposing in God, is raised up from the darkness of natural knowledge to the morning light of the…

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