Monday, October 24th

If you know how to accept the trials, worries, sufferings, and fatigue arranged by God throughout the days and hours of life, you will practice a lot of asceticism, and you will not have to look for more of it. Bl.-Pere Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus, OCD

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Wednesday, October 19th

Through this humility acquired by means of self-knowledge, individuals are purged of all those imperfections of the vice of pride into which they fell in the time of their prosperity. Aware of their own dryness and wretchedness, the thought of their being more advanced than others does not even occur…

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Tuesday, October 18th

We look at ourselves too much … we do not have enough trust in Him who enfolds us in His love. We must not stand in front of our cross and examine it in itself, but withdrawing into the light of faith,we must rise above it and consider that it…

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Sunday, October 16th

…he does not permit himself in the quietude, but strives after the other more sensory experience. But the more habituated he becomes to this calm, the deeper his experience of the general loving knowledge of God will grow.   – St. John of the Cross

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