Monday, January 30th
On earth, the soul can have no other heaven than the will of God. -Bl. Anne of St. Bartholomew
On earth, the soul can have no other heaven than the will of God. -Bl. Anne of St. Bartholomew
The most potent and acceptable prayer is the prayer that leaves the best effects. I don’t mean it must immediately fill the soul with desire . . . The best effects are those that are followed up by actions…when the soul not only desires the honor of God, but really…
If we live and move in God, it does not seem to me that His company and His love can hinder us from moving and working externally. -St. Teresa Margaret Redi
We must sweeten our minds by charitable thoughts. After that, the practice of patience will become almost natural. – St. Therese
As the tilling of soil is necessary for it’s fruitfulness- untilled soil produces only weeds-mortification of the appetites is a requisite for man’s spiritual fruitfulness. – St. John of the Cross
When one is in the midst of business matters, and in times of persecutions and trials, when one can’t maintain so much quietude, and in times of dryness, Christ is a very good friend…He is company for us. Once we have the habit, it is very easy to find Him…
We must serve our Lord; sow what is good around us without worrying about its growth. For us the labors; for Jesus, success! – St. Therese
I know quite well all you are suffering. I know your anguish, and I share it. Oh! if I could but impart to you the peace which Jesus has put into my soul amid my most bitter tears. Be comforted – all passes away. -St. Therese
“Be holy for I am holy!” It seems to me that this is the very same wish expressed om the day of creation when God said: “Let us make man in Our image and likeliness.” It is always the desire of the creator to identify and associate His creature with…
Where, my Lord, did I think I could find a remedy save in You? What folly; to flee from the light so as to be always stumbling! -St. Teresa of Avila