Friday, December 23rd
Be sure, my daughters, that true perfection consists in the love of God and our neighbor, and the better we keep both these commandments, the more perfect we shall be. -St. Teresa of Avila
Be sure, my daughters, that true perfection consists in the love of God and our neighbor, and the better we keep both these commandments, the more perfect we shall be. -St. Teresa of Avila
The soul’s aim is a love equal to God’s. She always desired this equality, naturally and supernaturally, for lovers cannot be satisfied without feeling that they love as much as they are loved. – St. John of the Cross
It also happens very quickly and ineffably that God will show within Himself a truth that seems to leave in obscurity all those that are in creatures, and one understands very clearly that God alone is Truth, unable to lie. – St. Teresa of Avila
In fact God seems to be wholly occupied with overwhelming the soul with caresses and marks of affection like a mother who brings up her child and feeds it with her own milk. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
These times in which all structures of life on earth are tottering and changing, are also a period of struggle over eternal questions. Ardently, we seek God, we strive for intensification and revival…we have a desire to live totally out of faith, to place ourselves completely at the service of…
Do not let your weakness make you unhappy. When, in the morning, we feel no courage or strength for the practice of virtue, it is really a grace: it is the time to ‘lay the axe to the root of the trees,’ (Matt. 3:10) relying upon Jesus alone. -St. Therese
I have only to love Him, to let myself be loved, all of the time: to wake in Love, to move in Love, to sleep in Love, my soul in His Soul, my heart in His Heart, so that through contact with Him, He purifies me, and delivers me from…
We should not be disturbed, whatever the circumstances in which God places us, but let us allow Him to act, uniting ourselves to His intentions; in this way we will love with pureness of love. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
Let Your divinity shine on my intellect by giving it divine knowledge, and on my will by imparting to it the divine love and on my memory with the divine possession of glory. -St. John of the Cross
Wherefore Our Savior said in the Gospel: ‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’ That is to say, the love which is born of sensuality ends in sensuality, and that which is of the spirit ends in the…