Wednesday, November 29th

But can we still say ‘Thy will be done’ when we are no longer certain what God’s will would have of us? Do we still have the means to hold to His ways when the inner light dies out? There are such means, indeed such strong means… He knows our…

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Saturday, November 25th

In the Passion and death of Christ our sins were consumed by fire. If we accept that in faith, and if we accept the whole Christ in faith-filled surrender, which means, however, that we choose and walk the path of the imitation of Christ, then He will lead us “through…

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Thursday, November 24th

The Lord told me this:…’Behold these wounds, for your sufferings have never reached this point. Suffering is the way of truth. By this means you will help me weep over the loss of those who follow the way of the world… -St. Teresa of Avila

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Thursday, November 23rd

I give thanks to Jesus for making me walk in darkness, and in the darkness I enjoy profound peace. Indeed, I consent to remain through all my religious life in the gloomy passage into which He has led me. I desire only that my darkness may obtain light for sinners.…

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