Saturday, September 3rd

It would not disturb me if (supposing the impossible) God Himself did not see my good actions. I love Him so much, that I would like to give Him joy without His knowing who gave it. When He does know, He is, as it were, obliged to make a return.…

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Friday, September 2nd

It is there in the very depths that the divine impact takes place, where the abyss of our nothingness encounters the Abyss of mercy, the immensity of the all of God. There we will find the strength to die to ourselves and, losing all vestige of self, we will be…

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Tuesday, August 30th

In order to reach the ideal life of the soul, I believe we must live in the realm of the supernatural and be persuaded that God dwells in our innermost being, and go to everything with Him. Then nothing can be trivial, no matter how commonplace in itself, for we…

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Sunday, August 28th

We will be glorified in the measure in which we will have been conformed to the image of His divine Son. So let us contemplate this adored Image, let us remain unceasingly under its radiance so that it may imprint itself on us. -Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

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Saturday, August 27th

O soul, most beautiful of creatures, who desire so ardently to know that place where your Beloved dwells in order to seek Him and unite yourself to Him; you yourself are the retreat where He takes refuge, the dwelling where He hides Himself. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, August 26th

Once you get used to enjoying the castle, you will find rest in all things, even those involving much labor, for you will have hope of returning to the castle, which no one can take from you. -St. Teresa of Avila

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