Wednesday, April 20th

There are others who are vexed with themselves when they observe their own imperfectness, and display an impatience that is not humility; so impatient are they about this that they would fain be saints in a day. -St. John of the Cross

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Sunday, April 16th

There is a Being who is Love and who desires to have us live with Him. Oh! It is delightful! He is there, keeping me company, helping me to suffer, making me rise above my suffering to rest in Him. Do as I do, and you will see how everything…

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Friday, April 14th

…He brought about the reconciliation and union of the human race with God through grace.  The Lord achieved this…at the moment in which he was most annihilated… The journey, then, does not consist in consolations, delights, and spiritual feelings, but in the living death of the cross, sensory and spiritual,…

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Wednesday, April 12th

Love attracts love, mine rushes forth unto You, it would fain fill up the abyss which attracts it; but alas! It is not even as one drop of dew lost in the Ocean, to love You as You love me I must borrow Your very Love – then only, can…

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