Wednesday, August 9th
Merit does not consist in doing or giving much. It consists in loving much. – St. Therese
Merit does not consist in doing or giving much. It consists in loving much. – St. Therese
God enlightens the soul, making it see not only its misery and meanness, but also it’s grandeur and majesty. -St. John of the Cross
What offends Jesus, what wounds His Sacred Heart, is lack of confidence in Him. -St. Therese
As to the aridity you are suffering from, it seems to me our Lord is treating you like someone He considers strong: He wants to test you and see if you love Him as much at times of aridity as when He sends you consolations. I think this is a…
I would like to fly as the eagle does, but I can only flutter my wings – it is beyond my feeble strength to soar. -St. Therese
God is hidden within the soul, and the true contemplative will seek Him there in love. -St. John of the Cross
With regard to the fear about whether or not I was in the state of grace, He (Jesus) told me: “Daughter, light is very different from darkness. I am faithful. Nobody will be lost unknowingly. They who find security in spiritual favors will be deceived. True security is the testimony…
Be extremely careful for the love of the Lord not to be tricked into giving up prayer. -St. Teresa of Avila
He would be still more ignorant if he followed God looking for sweetness, and rejoiced and rested in it when obtained. In this case his love is not set purely on God alone above all things, for in clinging to and desiring what is created, his will cannot soar to…
The soul suffers many trials, for the Lord wants the poor gardener to think that all the trouble he has taken in watering the garden and keeping it alive is lost. Then is the proper time for weeding and rooting out the smaller plants, and this must be done, however…