Sunday, October 8th

You must build a little cell within your soul as I do. Remember that God is there and enter it from time to time; when you feel nervous or you’re unhappy, quickly seek refuge there and tell the Master all about it….We come quite simply to the One we love,…

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Thursday, October 6th

O my Lord, how poorly we profit from the blessing You grant us! You seek ways and means and You devise plans to show Your love for us; we, inexperienced in loving You, esteem this love so poorly that our minds, little excercised in love, go where they always go…

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Thursday, October 5th

You are nearer to me than myself more intimate than my inmost being. And yet no one touches you or understands you and you break the bonds of every name: Holy Spirit – Eternal Love! – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Wednesday, October 4th

There are many Christians who are virtuous men, and who do great things, but their virtues and good works are utterly useless in the matter of eternal life, because they seek themselves in them, and not solely the honor and glory of God. -St. John of the Cross

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Tuesday, October 3rd

Jesus,…wills to receive a gift from you. He knows it is much sweeter to give than to receive. We have only the short moment of this life to give to God…and He is already preparing to say: ‘Now my turn.’ What a joy to suffer for Him who loves us…

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Saturday, September 30th

The Savior hangs before you with a pierced heart. He has spilled His heart’s blood to win your heart…The arms of the Crucified are spread out to draw you to His heart, He wants your life in order to give you His. -St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, (Edith Stein)

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Friday, September 29th

Holiness does not consist in this or that practice; it consists in a disposition of the heart, which makes us always humble and little in the arms of God, well aware of our feebleness, but boldly confident in the Father’s goodness. – St. Therese

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