Friday, April 6th
The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His Heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity… -St. Therese
The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His Heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity… -St. Therese
You must needs apply your mind to him alone and in him alone content yourself, that in him you may find all consolation. Although God is always with us, if we set our hearts on other things besides him we cannot be at peace. -St. John of the Cross
Endeavor always that things be not for you, nor you for them, but forgetful of all, abide in recollection with your Bridegroom. – St. John of the Cross
Look at Him as risen. Just imagining how He rose from the tomb will bring you joy. The brilliance! The beauty! The Majesty! How victorious! How joyful! Indeed, like one coming forth from a battle where He has gained a great kingdom! And all of that, plus Himself, He desires…
Jesus is love. He loves us with an infinite love and at the same time with a human love. What joy it is to know that we are never strangers to him. – Bl. Fr. Marie-Eugene
The soul that has given itself to God must give itself completely, for love leaves nothing for itself. Let it be consumed entirely so that from these ashes only one person may rise: Christ. The creature is consumed in the divinity. St. Teresa de los Andes
Let us believe in love with the beloved Apostle, John (1 Jn. 4:16) and since we possess Him within us, what matter the nights which may darken our sky? If Jesus seems asleep, let us rest near Him; let us be very calm and silent and not wake Him, but…
Suffering is not unknown to me. In it I find my joy, for on the Cross one finds Jesus and He is love. And what does suffering matter when one loves? -St. Teresa of the Andes
Nothing shows forth the love which the Heart of God bears for us as does the Eucharist. It means union, consummation, He in us and we in Him. Is not that heaven on earth, heaven in faith, while we await the face to face vision for which we so yearn?…
He that seeks here any other thing than purely God and the salvation of his soul, will find nothing but trouble and sorrow. – St. Therese