Friday, June 15th

It is not because I am good that our Lord granted me these favors, but that His goodness might be made manifest. Although I was so unworthy of grace, this Adorable Master sought me out that even when I was least occupied with the thought of Him, in order that…

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Thursday, June 14th

There are not two doctrines of St. John of the Cross, one for religious and one for seculars; there is only one, which applies to all Christians indiscriminately and does not require a special state of life, but only a disposition of will, namely the disposition of not wanting to…

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Wednesday, June 13th

The soul has made known the manner of preparing oneself to begin this journey: to pursue delights and satisfactions no longer, and to overcome temptations and difficulties through fortitude. This is the practice of self-knowledge, the first requirement of advancing to the knowledge of God. – St. John of the…

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Tuesday, June 12th

We object when He hands us the chalice of His suffering. It is so difficult for us to resign ourselves to suffering. To rejoice in it strikes us as heroic. What is the value of our offering of self if we unite ourselves each morning only in word and gesture,…

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Friday, June 8th

Keep in mind what the apostle St. James says: If any man thinks himself to be religious and does not control his tongue, that man’s religion is useless.” (James 1:26) This is to be understood of inward as well as outward chatter. -St. John of the Cross

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Thursday, June 7th

Terrible trials are suffered because we don’t understand ourselves, and that which isn’t bad at all but good we think is a serious fault. This lack of knowledge causes the afflictions of many people who engage in prayer; complaints about interior trials, at least to a great extent, by people…

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