Thursday, September 6th

God refuses only the person who does not admit his own weakness; He sends away only the unhappy proud person. You must “hold him” well and strongly, with a poor spirit, with a poor heart, with a life entirely poor…The life of a soul who seeks true happiness clearly and…

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Tuesday, September 4th

When I accepted the fact that I might spend my life suffering from these troubles and anxieties-which in no way diminished the trust I had in God and served only to increase my faith-I found myself changed all at once. And my soul, until that time always in turmoil, experienced…

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Sunday, September 2nd

Oh, would that I could tell everyone what sources of strength, of peace and also of happiness they would find if they consented to live in this intimate union with Him. Only they do not know how to wait. If God does not bestow Himself in a manner they can…

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Friday, August 31st

Keep yourself from setting your thoughts upon what happens in the community, and still more from speaking of it except to the proper person at the proper time…For if you want to ponder on all that happens you would always discover something amiss even if you lived among angels. -St.…

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