Tuesday, December 25th
Jesus is a hidden treasure which few souls can find, for it is hidden and the world loves what sparkles. – St. Therese
Jesus is a hidden treasure which few souls can find, for it is hidden and the world loves what sparkles. – St. Therese
O Consuming Fire, Spirit of Love, descend into my soul and make all in me as an incarnation of the Word, that I may be to Him a super-added humanity wherein He renews His mystery; and You O Father, bestow Yourself and bend down to Your little creature, seeing in…
Very often God is satisfied with our wish to labor for his glory, and how immense are my desires to do so. – St. Therese
If we hope to find God, the road is sure; we must acquire humility of heart and a simple spirit, remembering that only those who fight gain the victory. Bust courage, we shall not lack grace nor help from the Heart of God who wishes us all to be saints.…
The soul that leaves the house of its own will, and abandons the bed of its own satisfaction, will find the Divine Wisdom, the Son of God, the Bridegroom, waiting at the door without. -St. John of the Cross
All things come to an end; therefore take heart, for just as one thing gives way to another, so eternity will come at last. On the contrary seeing how quickly the things of this world end ought to console us, because we are drawing ever nearer to that goal to…
I have seen clearly that…here on earth the Lord has no measure in giving when He is pleased to do so. Thus I wouldn’t want to use any measure in my service to His Majesty and in employing all my life and strength and health to this end. – St.…
Whatever be our state in life … every one of us ought to be holy unto God … How can these requirements be met? … by keeping oneself simply and lovingly turned to Him, so that God may see His own image reflected in the soul as the sun is…
Enter within yourself and work in the silence of your spouse who is ever present loving you. – St. John of the Cross
I started to love the most Sacred Humanity. Prayer began to take shape as an edifice that now had a foundation. -St. Teresa of Avila