Tuesday, July 16th
You have such a good Mother. Imitate her and reflect that the grandeur of our Lady and the good of having her for your patroness must be indeed great. – St. Teresa of Avila
You have such a good Mother. Imitate her and reflect that the grandeur of our Lady and the good of having her for your patroness must be indeed great. – St. Teresa of Avila
Yet I reply to all these persons that the Father of lights [Jas. 1:17], who is not closefisted but diffuses himself abundantly as the sun does its rays, without being a respecter of persons [Acts 10:34], wherever there is room – always showing himself gladly along the highways and byways…
I found myself so constricted on every side that the only remedy I discovered was to raise my eyes to heaven and call upon God…For there is no stable help but in God. -St. Teresa of Avila
Today there is a special need for the Baptism of spirit and fire. In the tremendous struggle between Christ and Lucifer, those who are called to instruct men constitute the vanguard. To arm ourselves for this struggle and to persevere always armed is our most urgent duty. “If salt loses…
If anyone were to ask me the secret of happiness, I would say it is no longer to think of self… – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Ask the Most Holy Virgin to be your guide, to be your star, the lamp that shines in the midst of the darkness of your life. – St. Teresa of the Andes
It is enough if we desire to be victims of love, but we must be willing to remain poor and weak – and that is the difficulty. – St. Therese
It would not disturb me if (supposing the impossible) God Himself did not see my good actions. I love Him so much, that I would like to give Him joy without His knowing who gave it. When He does know, He is, as it were, obliged to make a return.…
I say, daughters, that we should set our eyes on Christ, our Good, and on His saints. There we shall learn true humility, the intellect will be enhanced, as I have said, and self-knowledge will not make one base and cowardly. – St. Teresa of Avila
Always think of yourself as everyone’s servant; look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for them all. – St. Teresa of Avila