Tuesday, September 3rd
For years I have not belonged to myself, I have surrendered myself wholly to Jesus, and He is free to do with me whatsoever He pleases. -St. Therese
For years I have not belonged to myself, I have surrendered myself wholly to Jesus, and He is free to do with me whatsoever He pleases. -St. Therese
In what peace, in what recollection Mary lent herself to everything she did! How even the most trivial things were divinized by her! For through it all the Virgin remained the adorer of the gift of God! This did not prevent her from spending herself outwardly when it was a…
I have abandoned my free will to You so that henceforth You alone will be the possessor of my heart and Your holy Will the rule of my actions. I desire to love You with a patient love, a love dead to self – that is, a love which completely…
Knowing ourselves is something so important that I wouldn’t want any relaxation ever in this regard… While we are on this earth, nothing is more important to us than humility. – St. Teresa of Avila
We can never have too much confidence in our God who is so mighty and so merciful. As we hope in Him so shall we receive. – St. Therese
One ought to be careful not to devote oneself wholly and with too much solicitude to exterior occupations, to which it is expedient only to lend oneself as much as is necessary, keeping the rest (namely the mind and heart) for God. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
The title of Mary as our mother is not merely symbolic. Mary is our mother in the most real and lofty sense, a sense which surpasses that of earthly maternity. She begot our life of grace for us because she offered up her entire being, body and soul, as the…
Do not think we can find love without suffering, for our nature remains and must be taken into account; but suffering puts great treasures within our reach. Indeed it is our very livelihood and so precious that Jesus came down upon earth on purpose to possess it. – St. Therese
We live too much our own individual lives and think much too little of how we are united with each other in and through God and all together with God. And yet therein lies our supreme worth and strength, our dignity. -Bl. Titus Brandsma
Wait upon God with loving and pure attentiveness, working no violence on yourself lest you disturb the soul’s peace and tranquility. God will feed your soul with heavenly food since you put no obstacle in His way… And it is not remarkable that the soul does not see this, for…