Wednesday, April 22nd

The soul suffers many trials, for the Lord wants the poor gardener to think that all the trouble he has taken in watering the garden and keeping it alive is lost. Then is the proper time for weeding and rooting out the smaller plants, and this must be done, however…

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Tuesday, April 21st

I see clearly, and since then have always seen, that if we are to please God, and if He is to give us His great graces, everything must pass through the hands of His most sacred humanity, in whom His majesty said that He is well pleased. -St. Teresa of…

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Monday, April 20th

You may be sure, if you do all you can and prepare yourselves for contemplation as I have described, that if He does not grant it to you, He is keeping back this consolation in reserve only to give it to you all at once in heaven. -St. Teresa of…

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Sunday, April 19th

Mark well, however, that self-knowledge is indispensable, even for those whom God takes to dwell in the same mansion with Himself. Nothing else, however elevated, perfects the soul which must never seek to forget its own nothingness. Let humility be always at work, like the bee at the honeycomb, or…

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Saturday, April 18th

…many of these would have God will that which they themselves will, and are fretful at having to will that which He wills…Hence it happens to them that oftentimes they think that that wherein they find not their own will and pleasure is not the will of God; and that,…

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Monday, April 13th

The most holy, the most general and most necessary practice in the spiritual life is the practice of the presence of God, whereby the soul finds her joy and contentment in His companionship, talking humbly and lovingly to Him always and at all times, without rule or system, but particularly…

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