Thursday, July 23rd
In all things, both high and low, let God be your goal, for in no other way will you grow in merit and perfection. -St. John of the Cross
In all things, both high and low, let God be your goal, for in no other way will you grow in merit and perfection. -St. John of the Cross
Take advantage of your solitude to recollect yourself with God. While your body is resting, think how He is rest for your soul. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
“Do you know the souls that most enjoy my Goodness?,” said our Lord (to a chosen soul). “The ones who trust in me the most. Trusting souls are the ones who steal away my graces. I am all Love, and the greatest pain one can give my Heart is to…
In doubts, in temptations, where can I take refuge if Thou, O good Jesus, will not open Thy Heart to me? Take everything from me, but do not let me be deprived of Thee! – St. Raphael of St. Joseph
Endeavor always that things be not for you, nor you for them, but forgetful of all, abide in recollection with your Spouse. -St. John of the Cross
What you most seek and desire you will not find by this way of yours, nor through high contemplation, but in much humility and submission of heart. – St. John of the Cross
Suffering is a great favor. Remember that everything soon comes to an end . . . and take courage. Think of how our gain is eternal. – St. Teresa of Avila
It is important to know that our Lord is pleased with any service rendered to His Mother, and great is His mercy. -St. Teresa of Avila
It seems to me that love is like an arrow sent forth by the will. If it travels with all the force that the will has, freed from all earthly things, and directed to God alone, it truly must wound His Majesty. Thus, fixed in God Himself, who is love,…
The greatest honor God can grant a soul is not to give much to it, but to ask much of it. -St. Teresa of Avila