Tuesday, July 13th

O Eternal Word, utterance of my God, I want to spend my life listening to you, to become totally teachable so that I might learn all from you. Through all darkness, all emptiness, all powerlessness, I want to keep my eyes fixed on you and to remain under your great…

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Sunday, July 11th

How people delude themselves as to the real meaning of union with God! There are those who think they have reached it because they enjoy sensible consolations; they make one think of children playing with ashes which the wind blows away. No. no! True union lies not in enjoyment, but…

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Saturday, July 10th

Let them make the resolution of being all things to all, by sacrificing themselves for others without making a display of it. Let them renounce their comfort for others to win their hearts and lead them to God. -St. Teresa de los Andes

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Wednesday, July 7th

As we said, the soul is not united with God in this life through understanding, or through enjoyment, or through imagination, or through any other sense; but only faith, hope, and charity (according to the intellect, memory, and will) can unite the soul with God in this life. -St. John…

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Monday, July 5th

I believe that if we desire to make room for His Majesty, He will give not only this (gentle drawing inward) but more, and give it to those whom He begins to call to advance further. -St. Teresa of Avila

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