Wednesday, May 18th
It is not the soul that makes the progress, but it is Christ, who carries her as a child is carried. -Bl. Mary of Jesus of Toledo, OCD
It is not the soul that makes the progress, but it is Christ, who carries her as a child is carried. -Bl. Mary of Jesus of Toledo, OCD
We live in a world in which love is condemned: it is called weakness, something to be overcome. Some say: never mind love, develop your strengths; let everyone be as strong as possible; let the weak perish … [But] we shall not give up on love. -Bl. Titus Brandsma
This is a test to discern the true lover of God. Is he satisfied with anything less than God? For the satisfaction of the heart is not found in possessions but in detachment from all things and poverty of spirit. -St. John of the Cross
We cannot see Christ and remain as we are. We cannot exchange a look with Christ and not be overcome with a total conversion. – Pere Jacques, OCD
Leave aside any of that faintheartedness that some persons have and think is humility. You see, humility doesn’t consist in refusing a favor the King offers you but in accepting such a favor and understanding how bountifully it comes to you and being delighted with it. – St. Teresa of…
Let’s remain at the foot of the Cross where our Beloved is calling us; and when we can no longer pray, Oh! let’s look at Him! -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
One must pray much to remain faithful in every circumstance, above all for the many who have to go through trials more arduous than mine and are not so anchored to eternity. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Kindness is my only guiding star. In its light, I sail a straight route, I have my motto written on my sail: “To live in love.” – St. Therese
Oh, then soul most beautiful among all creatures, so anxious to know the dwelling place of your Beloved so you may go in search of him and be united with him, now we are telling you that you yourself are his dwelling and his secret inner room and hiding place.…
… When there is union of love, the image of the Beloved is so sketched in the will and drawn so vividly, that it is true to say that the Beloved lives in the lover and the lover in the Beloved…The reason is, that in the union and transformation of…